I am using Entity Framework and would like to create generic GetById method in Repository class with eager loading:
Here is my method which uses lazy-lo
This is the update for Entity Framework Core 2.0. Also this method using the new metadata properties with EF to automatically get the first level navigation properties.
public virtual T Get(object id)
var propertyName = "AddressId";
//get all navigation properties defined for entity
var navigationProps = _context.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(T)).GetNavigations();
//turn those navigation properties into a string array
var includeProperties = navigationProps.Select(p => p.PropertyInfo.Name).ToArray();
//make parameter of type T
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "e");
//create the lambda expression
var predicateLeft = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, propertyName);
var predicateRight = Expression.Constant(id);
var predicate = Expression.Lambda>(Expression.Equal(predicateLeft, predicateRight), parameter);
//get queryable
var query = _context.Set().AsQueryable();
//apply Include method to the query multiple times
query = includeProperties.Aggregate(query, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions.Include);
//return first item in query
return query.FirstOrDefault(predicate);