Do you know how to fix the following issue with math precision?
p RUBY_VERSION # => \"1.9.1\"
p 0.1%1 # => 0.1
p 1.1%1 # => 0.1
p 90.0%1 # => 0.0
p 9
As the man said;
Squeezing infinitely many real numbers into a finite number of bits requires an approximate representation.
I have however had great success using the BigDecimal class. To quote its intro
Ruby provides built-in support for arbitrary precision integer arithmetic. For example:
42**13 -> 1265437718438866624512
BigDecimal provides similar support for very large or very accurate floating point numbers.
Taking one of your examples;
>> x ='900.1')
=> #
>> x % 1
=> #
>> y = x % 1
=> #
>> y.to_s
=> "0.1E0"
>> y.to_f
=> 0.1
As you can see, ensuring decent precision is possible but it requires a little bit of effort.