I created a pandas dataframe sample and it tried to sum for every 3 rows:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
It's a little bit tricky to get rolling to work with conditional string output
equations = []
df.A.rolling(3).apply(lambda x: equations.append(f'{x.sum()} = {x.iloc[0]}+{x.iloc[1]}+{x.iloc[2]}') or 0)
df.loc[2:, 'equations'] = equations
A equations
0 100 NaN
1 110 NaN
2 120 330.0 = 100.0+110.0+120.0
3 175 405.0 = 110.0+120.0+175.0
4 164 459.0 = 120.0+175.0+164.0
5 169 508.0 = 175.0+164.0+169.0
6 155 488.0 = 164.0+169.0+155.0
7 153 477.0 = 169.0+155.0+153.0
8 156 464.0 = 155.0+153.0+156.0
9 200 509.0 = 153.0+156.0+200.0