I am new to ruby and trying to setup my dev environment (Windows 10). I have installed ruby and rails but cannot install byebug. From what I read I need the DevKit first. So I i
I know this is a late reply!
But when you face difficulties with DevKit, in this case with native gem such as buybug or json, you have to know that if your System type is 64 bit, you must use a RubyInstaller 64 bit, and DevKit 64 bit. Follow the same principle with a 32 bit system type, use a RubyInstaller 32bit, and DevKit 32bit.
Also do not forget to run few commands after you installed, ruby and rails and DevKit, to do this go to the permanent installation of DevKit through terminal(cmd in windows) and run:
ruby dk.rb init
- this will create the configuration fileruby dk.rb install
Cheers and Happy Coding. Ibrax.