I have have a WCF derived/base contract issue. I have a server interface/contract that returns a BaseThing
BaseThing Get
KnownType will not resolve this issue.
It sounds as if you have a serious divergence between the object model you're using at the server and the service contracts you're using. There seems to be 3 possible solutions:
1) Data Contract Resolver as you've identified to make it automatic across all your operations. There are a number of examples out there including this one: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/youssefm/archive/2009/06/05/introducing-a-new-datacontractserializer-feature-the-datacontractresolver.aspx.
2) Align your object model to better match your service contracts. That is, use containment rather than inheritance to manage the BaseThing-DerivedThing relationship. That way you work with DerivedThing at the server and simply return DerivedThing.BaseThing over the wire. If BaseThing needs to get transmitted from client to server, this will also work better.
3) Use explicit conversion using something like AutoMapper so it is obvious in your operations that there is a divergence between the objects being used at the server and those exposed to the outside world.