Hi guys I am trying to follow the quick start of HBase and start an HBase on the local file system( without using HDFS ) However when I start the shell using ./hbase shell and t
The problem is here (in your conf - conf/hbase-site.xml
As the error "ERROR zookeeper.RecoverableZooKeeper: ZooKeeper exists failed after 3 retries" indicates there is some problem with your zookeeper.quorum
directive. Or Before staring the HBase shell you can verify if the ZKQuorum is up, using:
$ jps
the command will list all the java processes on the machine i.e. the probable output has to be:
62019 Jps
61098 HMaster
61233 HRegionServer
61003 HQuorumPeer
In your HBase directory, first stop the HBase:
$ ./bin/stop-hbase.sh
If you're trying to work out the 'standalone HBase' example - stick to the minimum conf provided in the example:
i.e. your conf/hbase-site.xml
should have the above content.
Once set, now start the HBase again:
$ ./bin/start-hbase.sh