I need to loop in a list containing french words and find an asterisk because I want to concatenate the word before the asterisk and the word after the asterisk each time an ast
I wondered how to manage a list (nonsense) like this:
words = ['Bien', '*', 'venue', 'pour', 'les','engage', '*', 'ment', 'trop', 'de', 'YIELD', 'peut','être','contre', '*', 'productif' ]
So I came u with a method like this:
def join_asterisk(ary):
i, size = 0, len(ary)
while i < size-2:
if ary[i+1] == '*':
yield ary[i] + ary[i+2]
else: yield ary[i]
i += 1
if i < size:
yield ary[i]
Which returns:
#=> ['Bienvenue', 'pour', 'les', 'engagement', 'trop', 'de', 'YIELD', 'peut', 'être', 'contreproductif']