I have a database catalog that is populated, and a cursor that can be used to retrieve objects. This catalog can obviously be very large, and what I\'d like to do is use
Pending further information, my guess is you've got possibly several zero-length buffers depending on how long the DB query takes, followed by exactly one non-zero length buffer containing all the results. You're probably better off limiting buffer size by length as well as time.
EDIT - I just wanted to do an analysis of the various threads involved in the original implementation. I don't agree with Paul's analysis, I do not believe the UI Thread is blocked because of the DB query. I believe it's blocked due to large numbers of results being buffered.
Charlie - please, can you time the DB query in code (not with the debugger) and dump the buffer lengths you are getting too.
I will annotate the code to show the order of all three threads involved:
First of all, outside of the provided code, I am assuming a call is made to OnLoad
via the Loaded
(1) - UI Thread calls OnLoad
public ObservableCollection DbObjects { get; set; }
private async void OnLoad(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// (2) UI Thread enters OnLoad
var observableData = CatalogService.Instance.DataSource.Publish();
var chunked = observableData
// (6) Thread A OnNext passes into Buffer
// (7) Thread B, threadpool thread used by Buffer to run timer
var dispatcherObs = chunked
// (8) Thread B still
// (9) Non blocking OnNexts back to UI Thread
dispatcherObs.Subscribe(dbObjects =>
// (10) UI Thread receives buffered dbObjects
foreach (var dbObject in dbObjects)
// (11) UI Thread hurting while all these images are
// stuffed in the collection in one go - This is the issue I bet.
await Task.Run(() =>
// (3) Thread A - a threadpool thread,
// triggers subscription to DataSource
// UI Thread is *NOT BLOCKED* due to await
// (13) UI Thread - Dispatcher call back here at end of Create call
// (14) UI Thread - This task will be already completed
// It is causing a second subscription to the already completed published observable
await dispatcherObs.ToTask();
public class CatalogService
public IObservable DataSource
return Observable.Create(obs =>
// (4) Thread A runs Database query synchronously
var cursor = Database.Instance.GetAllObjects();
var status = cursor.MoveToFirst();
while (status == DbStatus.OK)
var dbObject= Db.Create(cursor);
// (5) Thread A call OnNext
status = cursor.MoveToNext();
// (12) Thread A finally completes subscription due to Connect()
return Disposable.Empty;
I think the issue is a large buffer unloading tons of results into the ObservableCollection in one go, creating a ton of work for the listbox.