Im trying to create an uploader that will create new threads and in every thread I have a QNetworkAccessManager. All the uploader threads have a reference to a shared list and w
This is probably because the order some object in your application is created. I would recommend inherit from QObject instead of QThread, and move the object to a worker thread instead (QObject::moveToThread()). Also move any code that is initialized in FileUploader to a separate slot in FileUploader, say init(). Invoke init (QMetaObject::invokeMethod()) when the thread is running (after calling start on the worker thread). E.g.:
FileUploader : public QOject
public slots:
void init() { Foo *foo = new Foo(this); }
// main thread
QThread worker;
FileUploader *fup = new FileUploader();
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(fup, "init", Qt::QueuedConnection);