In line with the ServiceStack documentation, we have a global service exception handler. The docs say that this handler should log the exception then call DtoUtils.HandleE
I hope the following code solves your problem.
based on the documentation New API, Custom Hooks, ServiceRunner
and Fine grain error handling using the New API's ServiceRunner
in AppHost.Configure
LogManager.LogFactory = new ServiceStack.Logging.Support.Logging.ConsoleLogFactory();
then in AppHost class
public override IServiceRunner CreateServiceRunner(ActionContext actionContext)
return new MyServiceRunner(this, actionContext);
in the ServiceRunner class
public class MyServiceRunner : ServiceRunner
public override object HandleException(IRequestContext requestContext, T request, Exception ex)
if ( isYourCondition )
ResponseStatus rs = new ResponseStatus("error1", "your_message");
// optionally you can add custom response errors
rs.Errors = new List();
rs.Errors.Add(new ResponseError());
rs.Errors[0].ErrorCode = "more details 2";
// create an ErrorResponse with the ResponseStatus as parameter
var errorResponse = DtoUtils.CreateErrorResponse(request, ex, rs);
// log the error
Log.Error("your_message", ex);
return errorResponse;
return base.HandleException(requestContext, request, ex);
if you return the base.HandleException, it calls internally the DtoUtils.HandleException. You will see in console, one log error only.
In client, if you handle the WebServiceException for custom errors.
catch (WebServiceException err)
if ( err.ResponseStatus.Errors != null)
{ // do something with err.ResponseStatus.Errors[0].ErrorCode;