I have a code that calculates Euclidean distance for me:
class Point:
\"\"\"A point in two-dimensional space.\"\"\"
def __init__(self, x, y):
Your second class works for me. I do not see any issues with it:
In [9]: class Point_1(object):
...: def __init__(self, x, y):
...: self._x = x
...: self._y = y
...: def setX(self, x,y):
...: self._x = x
...: self._y = y
...: def getX(self):
...: return self._x,self._y
...: def __sub__ (self, other ):
...: return Point_1(self._x - other._x, self._y - other._y)
...: def __pow__(self,p):
...: return Point_1(self._x ** p, self._y **p)
And then:
In [14]: p1 = Point_1(10,4)
...: print(p1.getX())
...: p2 = Point_1(3,1)
...: print(p2.getX())
...: p3 = p1 - p2
(10, 4)
(3, 1)
In [15]: p3.getX()
Out[15]: (7, 3)
Call it vector or point or whatever, it seems to be doing what you want it to do.