just wonder is it possible to create a trigger to check on a specify constraint base on monthly basis.
table rent
If the table stores only actual data then it is quite simple:
create or replace trigger tr_rent
before insert on rent
for each row
v_count number;
select count(*) into v_count
from rent where member = :new.member;
if v_count >= 4 then
raise_application_error(-20001, 'Limit reached');
end if;
But if the table store historical data as well then you need some timestamp column, f.e. rent_date. So the count-query should be changed to the following:
select count(*) into v_count
from rent where member = :new.member
and rent_date > add_months(sysdate, -1);
In some cases reading a table that is currently being modified may lead to "mutating table error", but the trigger above is safe.