What I\'m trying to do is if I have a list like:
[\"lime\", \"mile\", \"liem\", \"tag\", \"gat\", \"goat\", \"math\"]
I want to write a functio
You can use itertools to create all permutations of the words, remove the word you just found the permutations of, and then check your list one word at a time to see if it is in permutations like so
from itertools import permutations
l = ["lime", "mile", "liem", "tag", "gat", "goat", "math"]
final = []
perms = []
for i in l:
perms += [''.join(p) for p in permutations(i)]
for i in l:
if i in perms:
print final
This isn't the fastest solution in the world, especially if you have long words like 'resistance', 'ancestries'