I am trying to read in a text file which has this format below, into an array:
Previous errors were for Test id \'1234567\' Error id \'12345678\'
Previous errors
Since you already have an array with all the lines of text in, you could just iterate over them, and read out the numbers from each.
One such solution:
// Extention method to simplify:
public static string GetNumbersFromPos(this string line, int nrToSkip)
return new string(line.Skip(nrToSkip)
.TakeWhile(c => Char.IsNumber(c))
// Assume you get this from your array:
var eachLine = "Previous errors were for Test id '1234567' Error id '12345678'";
// Find nr of chars to skip
var beforeFirstId = eachLine.IndexOf("id '") + 4;
var beforeSecondId = eachLine.IndexOf("id '", beforeFirstId) + 4;
// Now use the extention method to get the two number-strings:
var firstId = eachLine.GetNumbersFromPos(beforeFirstId);
var secondId = eachLine.GetNumbersFromPos(beforeSecondId);
This will give you the numbers as strings in firstId
and secondId
, which you can then store, or parse to int, or whatever you need.