I won't give an answer (try it yourself first!), but, maybe these tips can help you out.
- You first need to figure out the current day of the week you are on. You may want to take a look at Java's Calendar class to get an idea of how to do that.
- Once you get the date you are on, think about the modulus operator and how you can use that to move backwards to pick up the previous day that you are looking for from the day you are currently at. (Remember, a week is 7 days and each day of the week takes up a "slot" in those 7 days.)
- Once you have the number of days in between, you'll want to subtract. Of course, there are classes that can add and subtract days for you in the Java framework...
I hope that helps. Again, I encourage you to always try the problem for yourself, first. You learn far much more that way and be a better developer in the long run for it.