I\'m trying to simulate Coulomb friction in Modelica. The basic concept is to check if relative velocity speed between to surfaces is less than a constant and the external force
Actually, the model I have developed above for Columb friction is wrong. Thanks to this post I could find the correct version:
package friction1D
final constant Real eps=1.e-15 "Biggest number such that 1.0 + eps = 1.0";
function sgn
input Real inputVar;
output Real outputVar;
if noEvent(inputVar < 0) then
outputVar := -1;
outputVar := 1;
end if;
end sgn;
function coulombFriction
input Real relVel;
input Real shearForce;
input Real normalForce;
input Real statfricco;
input Real kinfricco;
output Real fricForce;
if noEvent(abs(relVel) < eps) and noEvent(abs(shearForce) < statfricco * normalForce) then
fricForce := shearForce;
fricForce := kinfricco * normalForce * sgn(relVel);
end if;
end coulombFriction;
model fricexample_1
parameter Real kco = 0.3;
parameter Real sco = 0.4;
parameter Real nfo = 1.0;
parameter Real mass = 1.0;
Real sfo;
Real ffo;
Real x;
Real v;
initial equation
x = 0;
v = 0;
sfo := 0.7 * sin(time);
ffo := coulombFriction(relVel = v, shearForce = sfo, normalForce = nfo, statfricco = sco, kinfricco = kco);
v = der(x);
mass * der(v) = sfo - ffo;
experiment(StartTime = 0, StopTime = 10, Tolerance = 1e-8, Interval = 0.02),
__OpenModelica_simulationFlags(lv = "LOG_STATS", outputFormat = "mat", s = "dassl"));
end fricexample_1;
end friction1D;