Say I am plotting countries on a world map using maptools, if I were to plot a country, is there a way of plotting the countries that border this country in a different colour?
How about gTouches
or gIntersects
in rgeos
wc <- subset(wrld_simpl, NAME == "China")
world <- subset(wrld_simpl, !NAME == "China")
Create a vector to store the test:
tst <- logical(nrow(world))
Do the test:
for (i in 1:nrow(world)) {
tst[i] <- gTouches(wc, world[i,])
See the result:
[1] "India" "Russia"
plot(world[tst, ], add = TRUE, col = "grey")
(No further correspondence on world affairs will be entered into, but gIntersects seems to give a better answer).
I strongly advise you to treat these built-in data sets with caution, you certainly need to get your hands on reliable data if you are to use such a tool for any non-trivial purpose. Geometry and data are tricky enough already. :)
for (i in 1:nrow(world)) {
tst[i] <- gIntersects(wc, world[i,])
[1] 14
plot(world[tst, ], col = "firebrick")
plot(wc, add = TRUE, col = "grey")