I created an Azure App Service and enabled MySql in App. I able to connect to MySql using phpMyAdmin from portal - go to app -> MySql in App -> click manage. It open another win
Check and follow below guidelines:
1.Locate your config.inc.php
file which relates to PHPMyAdmin
2.Locate the line $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host']
mostly this line might have been commented out by default, if so please uncomment it.
3.And replace that line with following:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
4.Save it and restart the MySQL Database from your XAMPP control panel.
5.Change your $host parameter value in the mysqli_connect()
method to following:
`$_connection = mysqli_connect(**"localhost: 3306"**, $_mysql_username, $_mysql_password, $_database);`
Note: This 3306 is my MySQL port number which is its default. You should better check what's your actual MySQL Port number before going to follow these steps.
For more details you could refer to this similar issue.