When I try to retrieve a folder by listing with differents query criterias, in Python, I get an error HTTP 500 \"Internal error\"
The code to request the f
I'm finding the same issue, and it has nothing to do with backing off or waiting... The API explorer works perfectly, but a URL in the next tab, developed from the explorer, fails every time. Not often... always!
The issue seems to be related to the query being more complex than a single item. e.g. if I ask for name= or something in parent then it works. If I combine both with "and" then it fails.
For example:
https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files?q=%270B0ap0WDOII5mbjdwajNBMlRoZUU%27+in+parents&key={my key}
works fine, but
https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files?q=%270B0ap0WDOII5mbjdwajNBMlRoZUU%27+in+parents+and+name%3D%27test.TXT%27&key={my key}
fails with
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "internalError",
"message": "Internal Error"
"code": 500,
"message": "Internal Error"
Note that both of those URLs are copied directly from the "API's Explorer" section of https://developers.google.com/drive/v3/reference/files/list with my API key added to the end of each.
It also fails in exactly the same way with the v2 interface.
Could there be a bug in the API? Having to do with files in a public folder?