I posted a question about this yesterday but I\'m creating a new one with more details. Firestore .setData is blocked by update rule not create
I\'ve run the simulator a
Firebase Support confirms that there is a bug related to the evaluation of request.writeFields.size()
. No estimate was given of when it will be fixed.
The existence of the bug can be demonstrated with the following rules:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /cities/{city} {
// This should always evaluate to true, but does not.
allow create: if (request.writeFields.size() == 1) || (request.writeFields.size() != 1);
allow update: if true;
Although the create
rule should always evaluate to true, an attempt to create a city fails with Permission Denied. It seems that the problem with request.writeFields
affects not only the rule in which it appears, but also other rules for the path. For the rules shown above, an attempt to update an existing city also fails with Permission Denied.