The code below is from an answer from this post regarding copying row values to a new sheet if it exist in another sheets.
Now, what if instead of copying the duplicate
Although the other answer works (I didn't test but I guess it does) it uses a lot of spreadsheetApp calls and might be slow if you have a lot of data.
It is possible to get this result using only arrays (if you don't need to keep sheet formatting and/or formulas).
The approach is slightly different as it is easier to keep data instead of removing it.
There are for sure many possible solutions, below is the one I tried : I created a special array that contains only the first column of sheet3 to make the duplicate search simpler.
function removeDupsInOtherSheets() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s1 = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1").getDataRange().getValues();
var s2 = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet2").getDataRange().getValues();
var s3 = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet3").getDataRange().getValues();
// iterate s3 and check in s1 & s2 if duplicate values exist
var nS1 = [];
var nS2 = [];
var s3Col1 = [];// data in column1 of sheet3
for(var n in s3){
for(var n in s1){ // iterate sheet1 and test col 1 vs col 1 in sheet3
var noDup1 = checkForDup(s1[n],s3Col1)
if(noDup1){nS1.push(noDup1)};// if not present in sheet3 then keep
for(var n in s2){ // iterate sheet2 and test col 1 vs col 1 in sheet3
var noDup2 = checkForDup(s2[n],s3Col1)
if(noDup2){nS2.push(noDup2)};// if not present in sheet3 then keep
Logger.log(nS1);// view result
ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1").getDataRange().clear();// clear and update sheets
function checkForDup(item,s){
Logger.log(s+' = '+item[0]+' ?')
return null;
return item;