Filter the Collection in DB instead of Memory
I\'m having a Model Class, Save it in a MongoDB Collection then Query the same as per my expec
I think this would solve the problem that you have:
var collection = _database.GetCollection("employee"); // (1)
var filterBuilder = Builders.Filter;
var filter = filterBuilder.Eq("IsLive", true) & filterBuilder.Eq("EmpMobile.IsLive", true); // (2)
var results = await collection.FindAsync(filter).ToListAsync(); // (3)
(1): You will need to change the collection name with the collection name that has the data you want to query. Also, notice that it requests a TDocument
as the generic parameter. It seems that Employee does not inherit from TDocument
, but you can do so or you can create another DTO class for this purpose.
(2): You can combine conditions by using the bit AND operator (&
Also, you can query directly against internal values of an array (which you have in your classes as a list). As it turns out, it will return the document if any of the array values satisfies the condition. In your example, this should return the document for EmpID
s 100, but it will contain both of the MobileNumber
s in it. You retrieved the document that satisfied the condition, but you retrieved the document in its entirety.
(3) Finally, rendering the results to a list so you have them in memory. Alternatively, you can walk through the results using cursor.MoveNextAsync()
, but this will keep your connection to MongoDB open longer.
You can find most of the information with examples in the Find or Query Data with C# Driver of the MongoDB docs.