I have a ND numpy array (let say for instance 3x3x3) from wich I\'d like to extract a sub-array, combining slices and index arrays. For instance:
import numpy as
This is the closer I can get to your specs, I haven't been able to devise a solution that can compute the correct indices without knowing A
(or, more precisely, its shape...).
import numpy as np
def index(A, s):
ind = []
groups = s.split(';')
for i, group in enumerate(groups):
if group == ":":
ind.append([int(n) for n in group.split(',')])
return np.ix_(*ind)
A = np.arange(3*3*3).reshape((3,3,3))
ind2 = index(A,"0,1;:;0,2")
print A[ind2]
A shorter version
def index2(A,s):return np.ix_(*[range(A.shape[i])if g==":"else[int(n)for n in g.split(',')]for i,g in enumerate(s.split(';'))])
ind3 = index2(A,"0,1;:;0,2")
print A[ind3]