I m trying to use Figaro gem with Sinatra. I have installed Figaro and it created the following file/ folder...
On this
You should declare yuor variables in application.yml as explained at Figaro github README https://github.com/laserlemon/figaro (in YAML syntax):
pusher_app_id: "2954"
pusher_key: "7381a978f7dd7f9a1117"
pusher_secret: "abdc3b896a0ffb85d373"
pusher_app_id: "5112"
pusher_key: "ad69caf9a44dcac1fb28"
pusher_secret: "83ca7aa160fedaf3b350"
You will be able to access the declared variables as follows:
ENV["stripe_api_key"] # => "sk_live_dSqzdUq80sw9GWmuoI0qJ9rL"
ENV.key?("stripe_api_key") # => true
ENV["google_analytics_key"] # => nil
ENV.key?("google_analytics_key") # => false