There is an Crypto.Random API inside the crypto-api package that specifies what it means for something to be a \"pseudorandom number generator\".
I have implemented this
Crypto-API author here. Please don't do this - it's really a violation of the implicit properties of CryptoRandomGen.
That said, here's how I'd do it: Just make a newtype that wraps your RandomGen
and make that newtype an instance of CryptoRandomGen
newtype AsCRG g = ACRG { unACRG :: g}
instance RandomGen g => CryptoRandomGen (AsCRG g) where
newGen = -- This is not possible to implement with only a 'RandomGen' constraint. Perhaps you want a 'Default' instance too?
genSeedLength = -- This is also not possible from just 'RandomGen'
genBytes nr g =
let (g1,g2) = split g
randInts :: [Word32]
randInts = B.concat . map Data.Serialize.encode
. take ((nr + 3) `div` 4)
$ (randoms g1 :: [Word32])
in (B.take nr randInts, g2)
reseed _ _ = -- not possible w/o more constraints
newGenIO = -- not possible w/o more constraints
So you see, you can split the generator (or manage many intermediate generators), make the right number of Int
s (or in my case, Word32
s), encode them, and return the bytes.
Because RandomGen
is limited to just generation (and splitting), there isn't any straight-forward way to support instatiation, reinstantiation, or querying properties such as the seed length.