I have a table:
quiz userid attempt grade
1 3 1 33
2 3 1 67
1 3 2 90
10 3 4 20
2 3
Makes 2 assumption: that all you attempts are sequential and have no voids (Ie 1,2,3,4) exists and not 1,3,4,6) IF the latter, I can correct. (will use a limit/order descending)
assumes you want the avg of the 2 grades per person/per quiz.
Explanation: Executes a sub query to : get quiz, user where attempt is equal to max attempt for the same quiz/user less 1. Performance isn't ideal there is likely a faster way but this shold work.
SELECT T1.quiz, T1.userID, avg(T1.grade)
T1.Attempt >=
(Select max(T3.attempt) -1
from table T3
where T3.QUIZ=T1.Quiz
AND T3.UserID=T1.UserID)
GROUP BY T1.Quiz, T1.UserID