I have a simple REST application with authentication service. I tried to add swagger and swagger-ui to it, but I can only see my endpoints in /v2/api-docs
For me, there was no issue in traditional Weblogic deployment without any mention of @Override
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception
...Only @Override
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
was enough and UI was visible on swagger.
But the same code was not working on Apache Tomcat server so below code was needed ,
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
web.ignoring().mvcMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "/**");
// ignore swagger
web.ignoring().mvcMatchers("/swagger-ui.html/**", "/configuration/**", "/swagger-resources/**", "/v2/api-docs","/webjars/**");
being missing in answer by AokoQin.
Answering here because I don't faced any issues on Weblogic without above code but only Tomcat. I already had resources added via ResourceHandlerRegistry
in mvc config.