Is there a way to print a standard test page in WPF from C# code if I have the name of a network printer?
The following is an example of using the System.Management namespace to access WMI and print a Test Page to a Printer. This relies on the Printer being connected to the Computer, I can provide code for connecting a Network printer through System.Management if you want that as well. This code should work for any version of the .Net Framework
using System;
using System.Management;
public class PrintTestPageUsingWMI
private String _name;
private ManagementObject _printer = null;
public PrintTestPageUsingWMI(String printerName)
this._name = printerName;
//Find the Win32_Printer which is a Network Printer of this name
//Declare WMI Variables
ManagementObject MgmtObject;
ManagementObjectCollection MgmtCollection;
ManagementObjectSearcher MgmtSearcher;
//Perform the search for printers and return the listing as a collection
MgmtSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_Printer");
MgmtCollection = MgmtSearcher.Get();
foreach (ManagementObject objWMI in MgmtCollection)
if (objWMI.Item("sharename").ToString().Equals(this._name))
this._printer = objWMI;
if (this._printer == null)
throw new Exception("Selected Printer is not connected to this Computer");
public void PrintTestPage()
/// Helper Method which Invokes WMI Methods on this Printer
/// The name of the WMI Method to Invoke
private void InvokeWMIMethod(String method) {
if (this._printer == null)
throw new Exception("Can't Print a Test Page on a Printer which is not connected to the Computer");
Object[] objTemp = new Object[0] { null };
ManagementObject objWMI;
//Invoke the WMI Method
this._printer.InvokeMethod(method, objTemp);
Alternatively you could look at the System.Printing Namespace which is supported in .Net 3.0 and higher