On my website a user can upload \"inspirations\" aka images or text that a user finds inspirational.
I want to create a feature, like Pinterest, where a user ca
Why are you duplicating functionality?
If someone "pins" an inspiration, is it not the case that the inspiration will be the same one the other user uploaded? Which means, you should have functionality to create a pin, not an inspiration.
I'll delete this if out of context, but here's what I'd do:
resources :inspirations do
match :pin, via: [:post, :delete], on: :member #-> url.com/inspirations/:id/pin
class InspirationsController < ApplicationController
def pin
@inspiration = Inspiration.find params[:id]
if request.post?
current_user.pins << @inspiration
elsif request.delete?
current_user.pins.delete @inspiration
This will allow you to use:
<% @inspirations.each do |inspiration| %>
<%= link_to "Pin", inspiration_pin_path(inspiration) %>
<% end %>
If you wanted to add extra attributes for the "pin" (such as a custom caption etc), you'll be able to do it with a simple form...
<% @inspirations.each do |inspiration| %>
<%= form_for inspiration, url: inspiration_pin_path(inspiration) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :caption %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
<% end %>