Another way to do this would be to use tagged types.
package Rectangular is
type Instance is abstract tagged private;
procedure Vector_Basis_r (A : in Long_Float; D : out Instance);
procedure Set_Horz (R : in out Instance; H : Long_Float);
function Get_Horz (R : Instance) return Long_Float;
type instance is tagged null record;
end Rectangular;
with Rectangular;
package Rectangular_Method_1 is
type Instance is new Rectangular.Instance with private;
type Instance is new Rectangular.Instance with
Horz, Vert: Long_Float;
end record;
end Rectangular_Method_1;
(similar implementation for Rectangular_Method_2).
Then I believe you can write your code that uses it this way:
with Rectangular_Method_1;
with Rectangular_Method_2;
-- My_Rectangle : Rectangular_Method_1.Instance;
My_Rectangle : Rectangular_Method_2.Instance;
In other words, all you'd have to change when switching between the two is the type names. Your client could even get rid of those changes by using a single subtype at the top.
subtype Rectangle_Instance is Rectangular_Method_2.Instance;
This would also give you the ability to move common code/fields up into the base class (package), which I think is sort of what you were after.