So, In a string containing multiple 1\'s,
Now, it is possible that, the number
appears at several positions, let\'s say, at m
This is not a complete answer, but some ideas (partly based on comments):
z <- "1101101101"
zz <- as.numeric(strsplit(z,"")[[1]])
Compute autocorrelation function and draw plot: in this case I'm getting the periodicity=3 pretty crudely as the first point at which there is an increase followed by a decrease ...
a1 <- acf(zz)
first.peak <- which(diff(sign(diff(a1$acf[,,1])))==-2)[1]
Now we know the periodicity is 3; create runs of 3 with embed()
and analyze their similarities:
ee <- embed(zz,first.peak)
pp <- apply(ee,1,paste,collapse="")
mm <- outer(pp,pp,"==")
aa <- apply(mm[!duplicated(mm),],1,which)
sapply(aa,length) ## 3 3 2 ## number of repeats
sapply(aa,function(x) unique(diff(x))) ## 3 3 3