I just started moving CodeIgniter 3 project to CodeIgniter 4.
Everything works fine except file upload.
I would like to keep the user uploaded files in /writab
This worked for me and I hope it will also work for you. In codeigniter 4 please use this to upload your files and move it in your controller.
if($imagefile = $this->request->getFiles())
if($img = $imagefile['gfile'])
if ($img->isValid() && ! $img->hasMoved())
$newName = $img->getRandomName(); //This is if you want to change the file name to encrypted name
$img->move(WRITEPATH.'uploads', $newName);
// You can continue here to write a code to save the name to database
// db_connect() or model format
if($img = $this->request->getFile('gfile'))
if ($img->isValid() && ! $img->hasMoved())
$newName = $img->getRandomName();
$img->move('./public/uploads/images/users', $newName);
// You can continue here to write a code to save the name to database
// db_connect() or model format
Then in your html Use this
I hope this will help you else call my attention.