I want XDocument
to output the XML prolog (for example \"\") in uppercase.
Here is how I\'m cur
XDocument xdoc = new XDocument();
.... // do your stuff here
string finalDoc = xdoc.ToString();
string header = finalDoc.Substring(0,finalDoc.IndexOf("?>") + 2); // end of header tag
finalDoc = finalDoc.Replace(header, header.ToUpper()); // replace header with the uppercase version
.... // do stuff with the xml with the upper case header
Oh you only want the UTF-8 upper case?
Then this is more correct:
XDocument xdoc = new XDocument();
.... // do your stuff here
string finalDoc = xdoc.ToString();
string header = finalDoc.Substring(0,finalDoc.IndexOf("?>") + 2); // end of header tag
string encoding = header.Substring(header.IndexOf("encoding=") + 10);
encoding = encoding.Substring(0,encoding.IndexOf("\""); // only get encoding content
// replace encoding with the uppercase version in header, then replace old header with new one.
finalDoc = finalDoc.Replace(header, header.Replace(encoding, encoding.ToUpper()));
.... // do stuff with the xml with the upper case header
This will only replace whatever is in the encoding to uppercase manually.