I don\'t want to use if statement. For simplicity and performance I want to use switch case and execute that method. I want all the keyboard Input to get detected. But is there
I've not used Unity, however, I understand your problem and I am a C# developer.
From a quick search I have found someone on Unity forums with a similar problem to you. Here is the thread https://answers.unity.com/questions/1520939/check-if-there-is-a-keyboard-input.html.
if (Input.anyKeyDown)
Event e = Event.current;
if (e.isKey)
Debug.Log("Current Key is : " + e.keyCode.ToString());
The code above (from the Unity forum link) enables you to detect input.anyKeyDown (keyboard and mouse). Then you can filter the mouse detections by checking if the input was only a keyboard input with e.isKey
Here is documentation for KeyCode. This also includes all the properties available to it (many keyboard related properties that you can potential check against).
For example (not tested):
Event e = Event.current;
if (e.isKey)
Debug.Log("Current Key is : " + e.keyCode.ToString());
if(e.keyCode == KeyCode.A) //checks if the keycode returned equals the 'A' key
// Do something
EDIT: As mentioned by the other answer you can try Input.inputString. According to the documentation insputString contains "Only ASCII characters". So for example you could do something like this in the 'Update' method if letters was what you were only looking to check.
void Update()
//get the input
var input = Input.inputString;
//ignore null input to avoid unnecessary computation
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
case 'a': break;
case 'b': break;
Hope this can help.