How can I get the integer \"100\" from dataset1 [below]?
var dataset1 = [ {video_name: \"Apples\", video_views: 100}, {video_name: \"Or
If you want video views based on video name, you'll need to loop through the array and find it.
var dataset1 = [
{video_name: "Apples", video_views: 100},
{video_name: "Oranges", video_views: 35},
{video_name: "Grapes", video_views: 20},
{video_name: "Avocados", video_views: 85},
{video_name: "Tomatoes", video_views: 60}
var searchCriteria = {video_name: "Apples"};
var searchResult;
//This loop sets searchResult to the LAST element in the set that meets the criteria
var matches = true;
for (var key in searchCriteria){
if (searchCriteria[key] !== obj[key]){
matches = false;
if (matches){
searchResult = obj;
or you could use a library like Underscore to do the same thing, but without having to look at the loop.