I have 2 set of 2d array and i want merge into 1 2d array. but the number of element in each array its not same and for the first 2 element is same and i don\'t want to duplicat
If both arrays are in the same order, the code is pretty straightforward:
$a = array(
array('5/2/2013', '9:31:00 AM', '0.395', '0.395', '302.855', '0.563'),
array('5/2/2013', '9:33:00 AM', '0.383', '0.383', '303.431', '0.563'),
$b = array(
array('5/2/2013', '9:31:00 AM', '-1.000', '-1.000', '-1.000', '-1.670', '-1.000', '-11.000'),
array('5/2/2013', '9:33:00 AM', '-1.000', '-1.000', '-1.000', '-1.670', '-1.000', '-11.000'),
$i = new MultipleIterator(MultipleIterator::MIT_NEED_ALL | MultipleIterator::MIT_KEYS_ASSOC);
$i->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($a), 'a');
$i->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($b), 'b');
$result = [];
foreach ($i as $v) {
$result[] = array_merge($v['a'], array_slice($v['b'], 2));
You basically iterate over both arrays at the same time and for each element construct the final array by merging the first with the second (skipping the common part).
[0] => Array
[0] => 5/2/2013
[1] => 9:31:00 AM
[2] => 0.395
[3] => 0.395
[4] => 302.855
[5] => 0.563
[6] => -1.000
[7] => -1.000
[8] => -1.000
[9] => -1.670
[10] => -1.000
[11] => -11.000
[1] => Array
[0] => 5/2/2013
[1] => 9:33:00 AM
[2] => 0.383
[3] => 0.383
[4] => 303.431
[5] => 0.563
[6] => -1.000
[7] => -1.000
[8] => -1.000
[9] => -1.670
[10] => -1.000
[11] => -11.000