I Have created a user form that will open an excel file open & hide the excel. When closing the user form will save & close the excel file. However, there are two types
The answer above from Macro Man, while succinct and useful, will not work in an environment where folder access is managed by user groups instead of user names. As many corporate environments - including my own - use this method to manage folder access, I have posted below a solution that will assess a user's actual permissions to a folder. This will work whether the user has been granted individual or group access to a folder.
Private Function TestWriteAccess(ByVal StrPath As String) As Boolean
Dim StrName As String, iFile As Integer, iCount As Integer, BExists As Boolean
'Set the initial output to False
TestWriteAccess = False
'Ensure the file path has a trailing slash
If Right(StrPath, 1) <> "\" Then StrPath = StrPath & "\"
'Ensure the path exists and is a folder
On Error Resume Next
BExists = (GetAttr(StrPath) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory
If Not BExists Then GoTo Exit_TestWriteAccess 'Folder does not exist
'Set error handling - return False if we encounter an error (folder does not exist or file cannot be created)
On Error GoTo Exit_TestWriteAccess
'Get the first available file name
StrName = StrPath & "TestWriteAccess" & iCount & ".tmp"
iCount = iCount + 1
Loop Until Dir(StrName) = vbNullString
'Attempt to create a test file
iFile = FreeFile()
Open StrName For Output As #iFile
Write #iFile, "Testing folder access"
Close #iFile
TestWriteAccess = True
'Delete our test file
Kill StrName
End Function
In researching file access, I also stumbled upon Check Access Rights to File/Directory on NTFS Volume by Segey Merzlikin on FreeVBcode.com; this solution is overkill for my needs (and OP's) but will return the exact access rights that a user has to a particular file.