You know that each item in a ListView
has a ToolTipText
property and that\'s all! There is no property like AutoPopDelay
to set its displa
To Hans Passant.
I used this code in MouseHover event:
Point pntOnList = lsvSource.PointToClient
(new Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y));
ListViewItem lsviUnderMouse =
lsvSource.GetItemAt(pntOnList.X, pntOnList.Y);
if (lsviUnderMouse != null)
ttipDetails.SetToolTip(lsvSource, lsviUnderMouse.ToolTipText);
ttipDetails.Active = true;
ttipDetails.Active = false;
But it behaves strangely. Actually the ToolTip's text is always outdated.