Using: CR in VS2010, SQL Server 2008R2
I have a SP that returns results when run in SQL Server, but when I add this to a CR it doesnt show any fields in the Field
HOW TO update the Stored Procedure in Crystal Report after altering the Stored procedure in the database.
This procedure can also be used when you have added a parameter to the Stored Procedure in the database.
Make sure your SP returns a dataset not via another SP inside your SP.
ex. this will not work: @sql = 'select * from sometable' exec(@sql)
If this is the case, temporarily add a select statement at the end of your SP
@sql = 'select column1, column2 from table1' exec(@sql)
select column1, column2 from table1
In Crystal Report, Fields Explorer, right click your SP and Set DataSource Location. Fill in the connection details to the DB.
In CR menu, Database->Verify Database
After Database has been verified, remove the temporary select statement from Step1.