I am working on my Ionic 4 app and I have used the camera plugin for image uploading and I have converted the image to the base64 for showing the image but the problem is that I
Please try this. You can use file transfer Native Plugin for this. It will solve your problem.
In the ts file:
async UpdateUserDetails(){
if(this.imagepic && this.fileUploadName) {
let fileTransfer = this.transfer.create();
let options: FileUploadOptions = {
fileKey: 'profile_pic',
fileName: this.fileUploadName,
headers: {}
options.params = {
first_name: this.userdetailsedit.value.first_name,
last_name: this.userdetailsedit.value.last_name,
mobile: this.userdetailsedit.value.mobile,
old_password: this.userdetailsedit.value.old_password,
password: this.userdetailsedit.value.password,
this.storage.get('USER').then(userde => {
if (userde) {
this.userdetails = userde;
fileTransfer.upload(this.imagepic, this.apiUrl+'userUpdateProfile/'+this.userdetails.id, options)
.then((data) => {
if(data && data.responseCode==200){
let response=JSON.parse(data.response);
if(response.status === "success"){
this.storage.set('ID', response.data.id);
this.storage.set('USER', response.data);
} else{
//show error msg
}, (err) => {
console.log('upload err ::',err);
async imageuserchoose(sourceType){
const options: CameraOptions = {
quality: 76,
sourceType: sourceType,
destinationType: this.camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
encodingType: this.camera.EncodingType.JPEG,
mediaType: this.camera.MediaType.PICTURE,
saveToPhotoAlbum: true,
correctOrientation: true,
// allowEdit: true,
this.camera.getPicture(options).then((imageData) => {
let filename,path;
this.imagepic = imageData;
if (sourceType === this.camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY) {
path = imageData.substring(0, imageData.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
filename = imageData.substring(imageData.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
let index = filename.indexOf('?');
if (index > -1) {
filename = filename.substring(0,index);
if (sourceType === this.camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA) {
filename = imageData.substring(imageData.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
path = imageData.substring(0, imageData.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
console.log(path,'FileName::', filename);
this.file.readAsDataURL(path, filename).then(data => {
profile_pic: data,
}, (err) => {
// Handle error
This will solve your problem.