i\'m using phonegap with phonegap-plugin-push , and i tried the example that comes with the plugin , i tested it on my phone ( Galaxy s4 , Android 5.0.1 ) , when i send notifica
i am using ruby to send a notification
require 'rubygems'
require 'pushmeup'
GCM.host = 'https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send'
GCM.format = :json
GCM.key = "key"
destination = ["id"]
data = {:title => "PhoneGap Push",:message => "PhoneGap Build rocks!", :msgcnt => "1", :soundname => "beep.wav"}
options = {:collapse_key => "placar_score_global", :time_to_live => 3600, :delay_while_idle => false}
GCM.send_notification( destination, data, options)