I have a vector of strings. Need help figuring out how to convert it into vector of integers in order to be able to work with it arithmetically. Thanks!
There are mulitple ways of converting a string to an int.
Solution 1: Using Legacy C functionality
int main()
//char hello[5];
//hello = "12345"; --->This wont compile
char hello[] = "12345";
Printf("My number is: %d", atoi(hello));
return 0;
Solution 2: Using lexical_cast
(Most Appropriate & simplest)
int x = boost::lexical_cast("12345");
Surround by try-catch
to catch exceptions.
Solution 3: Using C++ Streams
std::string hello("123");
std::stringstream str(hello);
int x;
str >> x;
if (!str)
// The conversion failed.