out of curiosity, I was wondering if it was possible to do something like :
def myMethod(
a: Option[A] = None,
b: Option[B] = None,
z: Option[Z] = N
My favorite solution is this:
class Opt[A](val value: Option[A]) extends AnyVal
object Opt {
implicit def fromA[A](x: A): Opt[A] = new Opt(Some(x))
implicit def toOption[A](x: Opt[A]): Option[A] = x.value
def N[A]: Opt[A] = new Opt(None)
def myMethod(
a: Opt[A] = Opt.N,
z: Opt[Z] = Opt.N
): Something = ...
Because Opt
is used only for default parameters, the implicit conversions are harmless.