As someone who\'s new to Prolog, I\'m looking to find out what a good way to count the number of inversions in a list.
I know how to flatten a matrix using flatten
a possible definition, attempting to keep it as simple as possible:
count_inversions(L, N) :-
direction(L, D, L1),
count_inversions(L1, D, 0, N).
direction([A,B|L], D, [B|L]) :-
A > B -> D = down ; D = up.
count_inversions([_], _, N, N).
count_inversions(L, D, M, N) :-
direction(L, D, L1),
!, count_inversions(L1, D, M, N).
count_inversions(L, _, M, N) :-
direction(L, D1, L1),
M1 is M+1, count_inversions(L1, D1, M1, N).
The direction/3 predicate compares a pair of elements, determining if they are in ascending/descending order. Such information is passed down visiting the list, and if it cannot be matched, a counter is incremented (an accumulator, starting from 0). When the visit stops (the list has only 1 elements, then no direction can be determined), the accumulated counter is 'passed up' to be returned at the top level call.
I opted for a cut, instead of 'if/then/else' construct, so you can try to rewrite by yourself count_inversions/4 using it (you can see it used in direction/3). Beware of operators precedence!
note: direction/3 ignores the ambiguity inherent when A =:= B, and assigns 'up' to this case.