I need to get the .bacpac files exported to blob storage automatically. In the azure management portal I have configured it so that it export the db. But it fails again and agai
This error is generally due a schema change in the database which has resulted in an object becoming invalid.
You can see if this is the case by doing a manual export in the portal. The export will fail, with a red notification being generated saying "Export database 'db_name' failed. Clicking on the "Details" will show another line with an arrow in a circle which will contain the actual error message.
The error message will likely look like:
Error encountered during the service operation.
Validation of the schema model for data package failed.
Error SQL71501: Error validating element....
In most cases this is the result of a schema change that has rendered a stored procedure, view or function invalid. The simplest example of this is dropping a column that is referenced in a stored procedure or view.
The reason for this is that a bacpac file also generates the commands needed to replicate the schema. If some of these commands fail (because they reference a non existent column), then the entire restore would fail.
Simply fix any views/stored procedures/functions that are mentioned in the error log and the export should resume.