I am counting the number of times every word occurs in a text file. I would like to avoid cases and hence am doing tolower to my input and then counting. I have a map data struc
The third template parameter of std::map
is a comparator type. You can provide your own comparison operation, in your case a case-insensitive one.
struct CaseInsensitive {
bool operator()(std::string const& left, std::string const& right) const {
size_t const size = std::min(left.size(), right.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
char const lowerLeft = std::tolower(left[i]);
char const lowerRight = std::tolower(right[i]);
if (lowerLeft < lowerRight) { return true; }
if (lowerLeft > lowerRight) { return false; }
// if equal? continue!
// same prefix? then we compare the length
return left.size() < right.size();
Then instanciate your map:
typedef std::map MyWordCountingMap;
Note: only the first spelling is preserved (which seems okay with you)