I have a C++ program which needs to take user input. The user input will either be two ints (for example: 1 3) or it will be a char (for example: s).
I know I can get th
You can do this in c++11. This solution is robust, will ignore spaces.
This is compiled with clang++-libc++ in ubuntu 13.10. Note that gcc doesn't have a full regex implementation yet, but you could use Boost.Regex as an alternative.
EDIT: Added negative numbers handling.
using namespace std;
int main() {
regex pattern(R"(\s*(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)\s*|\s*([[:alpha:]])\s*)");
string input;
smatch match;
char a_char;
pair two_ints;
while (getline(cin, input)) {
if (regex_match(input, match, pattern)) {
if (match[3].matched) {
cout << match[3] << endl;
a_char = match[3].str()[0];
else {
cout << match[1] << " " << match[2] << endl;
two_ints = {stoi(match[1]), stoi(match[2])};