How can I replace a list with another list that contain the variable to be replaced. for example
rep([x, d, e, z, x, z, p], [x=z, z=x, d=c], R).
R = [z, c, e, x,
I find your code rather confused. For one thing, you have rep/3
and rep/4
, but none of them have a list in the second position where you're passing the list of variable bindings. H1=H2
cannot possibly match a list, and that's the only rep/3
clause that examines the second argument. If this is a class assignment, it looks like you're a little bit behind and I'd suggest you spend some time on the previous material.
The solution is simpler than you'd think:
rep([], _, []).
rep([X|Xs], Vars, [Y|Rest]) :- member(X=Y, Vars), rep(Xs, Vars, Rest).
rep([X|Xs], Vars, [X|Rest]) :- \+ member(X=_, Vars), rep(Xs, Vars, Rest).
We're using member/2
to find a "variable binding" in the list (in quotes because these are atoms and not true Prolog variables). If it's in the list, Y is the replacement, otherwise we keep using X. And you see this has the desired effect:
?- rep([x, d, e, z, x, z, p], [x=z, z=x, d=c], R).
R = [z, c, e, x, z, x, p] ;
This could be made somewhat more efficient using "or" directly (and save us a choice point):
rep([], _, []).
rep([X|Xs], Vars, [Y|Ys]) :-
(member(X=Y, Vars), ! ; X=Y),
rep(Xs, Vars, Ys).
?- rep([x, d, e, z, x, z, p], [x=z, z=x, d=c], R).
R = [z, c, e, x, z, x, p].