Can I get a list of Pages that have installed my Tab app?

后端 未结 2 1319
北恋 2021-01-22 20:16

I\'ve seen a similar question asked a few times, but usually it is from people trying to find out which Page is currently accessing their Tab app. (Which you can do by inspecti

  •  抹茶落季
    2021-01-22 20:22

    In the general case, 'no', without keeping track on your side via the signed_request but if you're already obtaining manage_pages access from the user it's pretty trivial to check if a particular app (i.e, yours) is installed on the page

    See the page documentation for details, relevant part:

    You can test if a specific app is installed on a page profile tab by issuing an
    HTTP GET to PAGE_ID/tabs/APP_ID. If the app is installed, this will return the 
    following fields: 

    (you'll need the page access token from the user's /accounts connection for that call
