SpriteKit game crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS after upgrading to iOS8. Happens at random time, for no apparent reason, after playing a while. Exception breakpoint, as well as enabl
So, apparently the problem was in removeFromParent
After changing:
SKAction *remove = [SKAction removeFromParent];
[self runAction:[SKAction sequence:@[wait, remove]]];
[self runAction:wait completion:^{
[self removeFromParent];
the error has gone, but another one appeared:
Please head to SpriteKit: EXC_BAD_ACCESS SpriteKit`SKCShapeSprite::getAccumulatedBounds() crash for details.
UPDATE: It turned out that I got ahead of myself: error popped up again after several hours. Now I have two kinds of unsolvable issues, and thinking of rewriting the game from the ground up specifically for iOS8.